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C.L.A.S.S. 101

"Living to proclaim jesus christ with everything we are"

C.L.A.S.S. (Christian Life and Service Seminar) 101 is an opportunity:
  • for us to get to know each other.
  • for you to learn more about the purposes and history of our congregation, as well as our basic beliefs, especially on salvation, baptism, and the life of a Christian.
It is a 3-hour course, held approximately 3-4 times per year, led by the elders of our church and/or pastors.  Child care is provided at the church upon request. Our next CLASS 101 is on November 9th at 9 am. Please RSVP by November 5th. Because we feel it is so important that you know what it is that you are joining, we do require the completion of this C.L.A.S.S. before becoming a member of our church. This C.L.A.S.S. is not required for a first time confession of faith, a re-commitment to Christ, or baptism (though it is strongly encouraged for those wishing to be baptized). Please speak with Pastor Dave Hedgepeth, or the chair of our Elders, Elizabeth Watts, for more information (520.682.4201).

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