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Staying Connected

In Jesus’ name, greetings. Please keep reading to connect with various educational, worship, and prayer opportunities through Resurrection Sunday (Easter).

What a month it has been. I don’t have to tell you that just about everything is different. In some ways, the differences are, to say the least, bad: sickness and death from the coronavirus being the worst of it; layoffs and financial stressors being near the top of that list, too; all the way down to wondering if there will be toilet paper in the store the next time you go there. In addition, some people are feeling the loneliness from the abrupt social isolation, especially those who live alone. In other ways, the differences, at least for some, have been positive: less running around, more time with family, more opportunities to catch up with home projects and/or serving others; more time to read the Bible. I’m wondering if I’m going to get sick of on-line meetings… but right now, I have to say, it’s good to see people without having to get in my car to get to those meetings.

Through it all, we continue to be church. On-line worship is not only possible, but of good quality, thanks very much to our AV, IT, and worship teams. Not only is this happening in English, but Sergio has been sharing messages in Spanish as well. Our Elders regularly have been contacting as many as we can, to touch base and assess any needs. They, along with other wonderful people in our church, have delivered food, taught technology, taken elderly to appointments, and more. The teachers of our preschoolers, elementary kids, and youth have reached out to their students. In fact, the youth are meeting on-line every Sunday. Everyone is welcome to connect on-line – Sundays at 10 am - for our “Prayer Knot” where we share joys and concerns and pray together. And stay tuned for a new on-line Bible study that will start up on Thursday, April 23, 6:30 pm. Our property coordinator is keeping the church property clean, and doing other projects on-site. Our office remains open (though the door is locked to maintain a controlled environment). And, our Community Christian Outreach Center remains open, still distributing food and other supplies (using a safer system of having people drive up and not get out of their cars).

Here is information on upcoming opportunities, all of which will be able to be found on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/maranadisciples.
Thursday, April 9.  Maundy Thursday.  Learn more about the Jewish Passover, and how it connects to what we know of as the Lord’s Supper and the life, death, & resurrection of Jesus.  This is taught by Cathy Wilson, of Chosen People Ministries, who taught at our church a number of years ago. https://scottsdalebible.com/events/passover-seder/

Friday, April 10.  Good Friday.  Messages and worship in Spanish and English will be posted by 5 am on Friday morning. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsX58UdPPhOJcXrF5DjTplA

Sunday, April 12.  Resurrection Sunday.
  • 8:45 am.  Livestream worship in English.
  • 10 am.  Livestream message in Spanish.
Both will be able to be found at:

Also, on April 12, we will have our “Prayer Knot” at 10 am.  A Zoom meeting link will be sent out via email, and so if you are not receiving emails from our church, and would like to be part of this, please contact me.

I also want to let you know about a “Sunrise Easter Service in Your Car,” on April 12, 7-8 am, at the Oro Valley Marketplace, 12155 N. Oracle Rd., sponsored by 4Tucson.

Yes, we need to keep distant. But, we are striving to stay connected, because we are the body of Christ, and we truly are connected. If you need something, and/or are willing to be of help to someone in need, please let your Elder or me know! In the meantime, I miss you, I love you, and I am very much looking forward to the day that we can gather again.

Happy Easter to you! He is risen! He is risen, indeed!!

Pastor Dave Hedgepeth

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