Worship and Ministry Update
Hello Church. Is it too much to say that this has been a challenging couple of months? No, that’s probably the least we can say about it. There have been blessings during this time, yes! But let’s not pretend - for many of us, staying at home has been difficult. For some, it has meant loneliness, for others, it has meant financial distress. And for those who have been blessed to continue with work, there may be added health concerns, and/or added hours that feel exhausting. I continue to give thanks that no one from our church has contracted coronavirus, though I have spoken with some of you about family and friends who have; I share your concern and, in a few cases, grief.
Even as the economy and society are beginning to re-open, our board and I have recently decided that our church is going to continue basically “as is” through the month of May. This means that:
For some you, news of our continuing “as is” comes as welcome news. For others of you, it is disappointing. I am looking forward to being together again, but I also go back to Proverbs: “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” (Proverbs 27:12) Which also reminds me of a verse from the Psalms: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.” (Psalm 46:1-2) The leaders of our church – and, I hope you – are not fearful. But we do want to exercise prudence, and if we are in error, err on the side of caution, knowing that caring calls of laughter and comfort are still being made, food and other items are still being distributed, and most importantly, God’s word is still going out.
Please keep up to date with information on those by: letting us know your email (if you haven’t been receiving “all-church” emails), logging onto our Facebook page, and/or reading the “CCCoMunicator” each week (which we are now sending via the postal service for those without emails). If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.
God bless,
Pastor Dave
Even as the economy and society are beginning to re-open, our board and I have recently decided that our church is going to continue basically “as is” through the month of May. This means that:
- We will have on-line worship, like we’ve been doing. We are hoping to start having in-
- person worship in June. But whenever we start back up, we have much to consider,and will need extra volunteers (more to come on that in the near future).
- In addition to on-line worship, we will continue doing “Prayer Knot” (Sunday at 10 am) and our “drive-thru” communion (starting this week will be on Saturdays, 9-10 am).
- We’ll continue on-line Thursday Bible study, led by me; and plan to start a “sit-outside-and-bring-your-own-chair” Wednesday morning Bible study, led by our Elder ChairElizabeth.
- Our office and our Outreach Center continue to remain open, with safety measuresbeing taken.
For some you, news of our continuing “as is” comes as welcome news. For others of you, it is disappointing. I am looking forward to being together again, but I also go back to Proverbs: “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” (Proverbs 27:12) Which also reminds me of a verse from the Psalms: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.” (Psalm 46:1-2) The leaders of our church – and, I hope you – are not fearful. But we do want to exercise prudence, and if we are in error, err on the side of caution, knowing that caring calls of laughter and comfort are still being made, food and other items are still being distributed, and most importantly, God’s word is still going out.
Please keep up to date with information on those by: letting us know your email (if you haven’t been receiving “all-church” emails), logging onto our Facebook page, and/or reading the “CCCoMunicator” each week (which we are now sending via the postal service for those without emails). If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.
God bless,
Pastor Dave
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