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It is an understatement to say that our world seems to be changing at a rapid pace.  These changes are being readily embraced by some, summarily rejected by others, and causing many of us confusion.  The question for us who are followers of Jesus is which changes ought to be embraced, and which ones ought to be rejected.  As always, how we do this is important.  We are to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).  Both elements – truth and love – go together purposefully, and ought to shape how we respond to our changing culture.

Some of the changes that are happening right now, which pose a challenge for all of us, revolve around sexuality and gender identity.  Probably all of us know someone among our families and friends who is struggling with one or both of these things, and/or is actively living in a way that took us by surprise, at the very least, or that has given us great concern.  
Because of the increasing number of people who are affirming and living lifestyles that the Bible calls immoral, and/or identifying as something different than the gender they were born as, and because these issues are very much in front of and around us, our Elders and Board felt that it was important to share where our church stands.  And so, we developed a statement on sexuality and gender identity, that we hope will be clarifying.  We recognize that this may cause some to be upset, though that certainly is not our intent.  We also know that for some, it may not go far enough, but we wanted to keep it as clear and simple as possible.  We hope you will read the entire statement, which is intended to speak the truth in love.  
As a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Community Christian Church of Marana believes, just like founders of our movement, that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God.  It is, as Alexander Campbell said, “Dictated by infinite benevolence, characterized by supreme intelligence, and perfectly adapted to the genius of human nature, it is worthy of universal reception and of the most profound and grateful homage.” 
{https://scholarworks.harding.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1002&context=hst-etd; Alexander Campbell, “Tracts for the People—No. I: The Bible,” The Millennial Harbinger 16 (October 1845): 439.}  
We also understand that individual believers, diligently studying God’s Word, may come to different interpretations of particular passages, and in no way should this hinder our unity as Christians.  Commenting on the uselessness of uniting around creeds and particular interpretations, Barton Stone said, “How vain are all human attempts to unite a bundle of twigs together, so as to make them grow together and bear fruit! They must first be united with the living stock, and receive its sap and spirit, before they can ever be united with each other. So must we be first united with Christ, and receive his spirit, before we can ever be in spirit united with one another." {Barton Stone, 1833, found in https://my.bible.com/events/7034722}
While individuals in our congregation certainly can and do have varying opinions on a wide variety of issues, and varying interpretations of biblical texts, we have felt the need to state where we - as a whole - stand regarding issues around identity and sexuality.  This is due to an ever-increasing polarization in our society around these issues, and an understandable desire on the part of people coming to our church to know where we stand.  This statement will noticeably avoid any comments regarding political or economic considerations, but only deal with what we understand to be God’s Word. 

Simply put, we affirm the Bible’s understanding that people are created by God either male or female (Genesis 1:27; Matthew 19:4).  Males and females (men and women) are both distinct from one another, and complementary to one another.  We affirm the New Testament’s understanding of God’s plan for human sexuality, one that Jesus clearly upholds – that marriage is to be a covenant between one man and one woman (Matthew 19:5-6; Ephesians 5:31; Genesis 2:24), and sexuality is to be practiced only within that covenant (1 Corinthians 7:2; Hebrews 13:4).  Any relationship that involves sexual activity outside of this plan is considered immoral.  We therefore make this the standard of our teaching and expect that our leaders will uphold it.

Does this mean that those who have not or are not fully practicing God’s plan are not welcome at our church?  Absolutely not.  Romans 3:23 reminds us, “… all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God….”  Indeed, all of us need to confess, repent of our sin, and be cleansed by Christ (1 John 1:7-9).  In addition, we need to seek the Lord’s will in every area of our lives (1 John 2:1-6).  As part of that, we are not called to condemn others (Romans 2:1-11; James 4:1-12) but love others unconditionally (1 John 4:7-21).  These passages (and many others like them) – which contain solid truth and deep grace - form the framework for considering any moral issue and help us navigate such issues using “… the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27), not just picking and choosing certain scriptures. 

Jesus came full of grace and truth (John 1:14,17).  Our Board and Elders uphold the truth of God’s Word, and also the grace of God by which we are saved.  By the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray that we will have this grace and truth in our own lives, and be willing to share it with one another.